
For Doctors

Dr. Leny welcomes referrals from all GPs and medical specialists.


For Doctors

Dr. Leny welcomes referrals from all GPs and medical specialists.

Please fax your referral letter to the respective fax numbers at the preferred consultation location.
Kindly advise your patients to call their preferred location to make an appointment to see Dr. Leny.


Altona North

Kidney West, Circle Health
Tenancy 10, 6/230 Blackshaws Road, Altona North, VIC 3025

P: (03) 9393 3960
F: (03) 9393 3911


Melton West

Melton Health
195-209 Barries Road, Melton West, VIC 3337

P: (03) 9747 7631 or (03) 9747 7665
F: (03) 8746 2702



Epworth Richmond
Suite 5, 7 Lee Wing, 62 Erin Street, Richmond, VIC 3121

P: (03) 9393 3960
F: (03) 9393 3911



Wyndham Private Medical Centre
242 Hoppers Lane, Werribee, VIC 3030

P: (03) 9908 2998
F: (03) 8742 1235